I'm going to commit blasphemy here - I'm going to suggest that perhaps we have enough cars !!
Will be be up to out chins in rusting metal before the public agrees with me ? Our economy is in a tailspin because it is based on a 100-year-old concept, the idea that we must churn out mass-produced crap.
Henry Ford created the factory production line in order to meet demand for the Model T automobile, and he has cursed us for all eternity, unless we wean ourselves off of it. The reason for the "Big Three's" fiscal woes is not solely union pensions ( the LIE we are currently being force-fed) , it is that they have gotten locked into a business model that can no longer be sustained !! There is no reason why factories cannot be turned into adaptable fabricating plants able to make an assortment of products, instead of churning out one shoddy item only.
Sooner or later we were bound to hit that wall, there just aren't enough people making enough money to BUY all these cars we're spewing out. It's time to cut our losses now, short-term pain for long-term gain, and not waste our dwindling resources propping up an unsustainable industry. Or is this what they have in mind for us ?
I find it strange that no-one is mentioning the Bank's role in the Auto Industry's decline. When they tightened up the reins on credit after the Sub-Prime Mortage Boondoggle, that also meant
no more car or truck leases were being written too, but that little fact seems to have escaped the notice of the media (hhhmmmmmm)
Another item of interest, they are concerned we may ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING about the environment. I received an Email the other day from my brother-in-law warning me to check my receipt against the pump at the gas station. He discovered they were jiggering the pumps at the gas station when he pumped 62 litres of gas into a 55 litre tank that had a 1/4 of
a tank of gas already in it!!!!!!!
Take a calculator with you to the station and check to make sure the price matches the amount of gas pumped - I did and already caught one station doing this.
Professional Left Podcast Episode 870: Propaganda! (Science Fiction
All episodes available at our Science Fiction University website here.