So the Tamil Tiger leader is dead, and TERRORISM has been vanquished - YAAAAY! - Only....................
"No photos of Prabhakaran's body have been released. The army says it is working to identify it among the dead. The claims cannot be verified as reporters are barred from the war zone".
Isn't Afghanistan a shining example of how this works ? Ask Russia ..... they "killed" the Taliban leadership, and now that country is "fixed"
....isn't it?
“All military operations have come to a stop,” army chief Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka announced. “Now the entire country is declared rid of terrorism".
Didn't Vietnam teach us anything? When governments, for the convenience of brainwashing the public into supporting their wars, portray the "enemy" as highly organized pyramids whose leadership
is the sole driving force behind the campaign, they set themselves up to fail! This simplistic reasoning may appeal to moron military analysts
(hereafter referred to as "Rumsfeldians"), but when the bombings resume in a year or two, whattaya gonna do - blame Al Queda ?
"The Sri Lankan government’s moment of triumph has also come at the cost of thousands of innocent lives lost in indiscriminate shelling, according to the United Nations. The UN’s rights body now wants a war crimes probe. The International Committee of the Red Cross, the only neutral organisation that has been allowed to work in the war zone, has for its part described “an unimaginable humanitarian catastrophe.”
But Sri Lanka has shrugged off the international pressure.
“There was no bloodbath as some people feared,” Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe told reporters “Everybody has come out safely and they are being looked after by the government.”
Here’s Some Stupid To Start Your Day
This is priceless: This is gold. — George Conway (
Amazing isn't it? And it goes on and on and on! So many horrible effects from war. It makes anyone who has a functioning brain and emotions, just literally SICK and DISGUSTED! And yet, because of the diseased programing, nationalism, CAPITALISM, empire building, war is an accepted fact of reality. Oh it's okay to slaughter children, it's okay to rape the weak, and reduce a nation to dust, oh and we will be so nice, we will even help you rebuild,(for a slight fee) because we are so benevolent, we just want you to see the error of your ways and be like us, and serve our god, and serve our economy, and serve US! AGGGGGHHH! what bullshit!